15 Basics Every Card Maker Should Have!
Check out the 15 items I wish someone had told me about when I first started making cards! Plus TIPS on how to use them!
When I first started crafting, everything was new and so exciting. It also was a bit overwhelming. I knew I wanted to make cards, but did not know where to start! I ended up watching lots of videos and buying many things. Since I had no idea what I was doing, I ended up purchasing a lot of fun things that were not really practical. Often I did not have the right supplies to use them! As a result, they ended up sitting in my craft room for months and months.
Recently, several subscribers have asked me for recommendations on items a new card maker needs. I decided it was high time I put a list together! First, I made a huge list of all of the different types of products in my craft room. Then I asked myself several questions. How often do I use the product? Is it something I use on every card or something I use every few months? Can I do the same thing without the product? Does the product make the process so much easier that price is less important? Is it a product I wish I had from the beginning? When I was done, I had an awesome list of 15 basics!
There are a few things you should keep in mind while watching. First, there are lots of lists out there. Many are from crafty companies. While I love these companies, I am not sure they are the best resource for figuring out the basics you need (the basics you need are not all from one company!). Second, my list is just my opinion on what I think are good basics. You may disagree or have no interest in a particular item. I talk about this more in the video. Lastly, do not feel guilty about newbie purchases that end up not working for you. Remember, this is a learning process!
Check out my video below to see the 15 basics every card maker should have! Some are necessities and some just make crafting a whole lot easier. Happy crafting!
Compensated affiliate links may be used in this post at no cost to you. I received some of the products in this video at no cost, with no expectation. I will ONLY show you products from companies that I purchase from personally. Thank you for supporting me so that I can continue to bring you lots of fun crafting content!